This fridge repair was done to replace the coils on this client’s LG refrigerator. It is important to keep the coils on the back of your fridge clean. They should be cleaned at least every few months. If not cleaned properly or frequently enough, dust and dirt will build up, and the coils will not be able to effectively release heat. This causes the compressor to work overtime to compensate, resulting in more energy being used, shortening the lifespan of your fridge.
Luckily for our client, the problem was caught before it was too late. We were able to repair the coils and get the fridge back up and running. If you are running into similar problems at home, take a look at the condition of your coils and give them a clean if necessary. If you still running into problems with your fridge, give us a call and we would be happy to assist you.

Duration: 2 hours

Location: Vancouver, BC

Warranty: 1 Year

Appliance: Fridge

Type of Repair: Fridge Repair